Supporting Coleraine rowers: past, present and future


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Posted Sunday 28th January 2024

Reminder to all members, order window closes in a week! Check your email for details.

Posted Saturday 27th January 2024

Congratulations to our boys J18 2x, a fantastic row today! Well done to everyone who competed, onwards and upwards.

Posted Friday 26th January 2024

Great to see so much enthusiasm around the Boat House last night at Coleraine Grammar School’s Open Night.

We even managed to connect with a few Old Boys and ex oarsmen who haven’t been in the boat house since their time at school… let’s say a few decades ago!

Posted Friday 19th January 2024

We have teamed up with Carnroe Supplies, Castleroe to provide a series of non-rowing kit. All members should check their email for more details.

Order window closes on 4th February 2023.

Posted Tuesday 2nd January 2024

Reminder that we are still part of the Tesco Stronger Starts Campaign in Coleraine and Ballymoney! Please drop a blue token in our box in store!

Tesco customers in the Coleraine, Portstewart or Ballymoney stores can vote by placing a blue token in the COBRA container. Voting is particularly tight in Coleraine and Ballymoney.

The project aims to purchase new oars for Coleraine Grammar School Rowing Club, benefitting young athletes on the water.

Voting ends on 14th January!

Posted Thursday 28th December 2023

COBRA Day 2023
Despite the weather conditions there was a tremendous turnout to the rowing club yesterday morning for our annual alumni races.

COBRA managed to field three very strong crews this year, a men’s 1st VIII+ and IV and a woman’s 4x- to race the Coleraine GS Rowing club boys 1st VIII+ and a girls 1st 4x-.

Thankfully the weather broke perfectly to allow the racing to go ahead and river produced clam conditions, despite a significant flow aiding the crews down the 2km course.

The girls 4x- were the first race down the course and the school girls got out to a strong start leading by half a length at the half way point. But the experience of the COBRA crew was too much for the school girls on this occasion. COBRA stuck to their race plan and eventually powered through the school girls to win by a length. A fantastically exciting race and a true credit to all the competitors.

Next up the was the turn of the VIII+. The school boys fought valiantly but on this occasion the strong COBRA crew was just too much for them. Right from the outset COBRA controlled the pace of the race and came home to a strong victory of the school boys by a number of lengths clear water.

As a summary, we would like to thank everyone to attending all of our events yesterday. From the racing, to the AGM and dinner. They will all very well attended and enjoyed by many.
COBRA have had a very successful year delivering over £40k of equipment to CGSRC and none of it would be possible without the kind donations of our members. Thank you very much and have a Happy New Year!

Posted Tuesday 26th December 2023

COBRA Day Timetable:
• 10am - Annual races between COBRA crews and CGS crews (open to all)
• 6pm - AGM (members only)
• 7:30pm - Annual Dinner (open to all)

Polite reminder to purchase any tickets for the dinner before the 27th December. Tickets can be bought from our website at the below link:

We hope to see many of you in the morning!

Posted Friday 22nd December 2023

Polite reminder to purchase any tickets for the dinner before the 27th December. Tickets can be bought from our website at the below link:

COBRA Day Timetable:
• 10am - Annual races between COBRA crews and CGS crews (open to all)
• 6pm - AGM (members only)
• 7:30pm - Annual Dinner (open to all)

Have a great Christmas and see you on the 27th!

Posted Tuesday 19th December 2023

COBRA Day 2023

We are looking forward to seeing everyone on 27th December for our annual alumni races. Please meet at the boat house for 10am and anyone wishing to race in the COBRA crews get in touch!

The annual dinner is on the evening of the 27th at the Golf Links Hotel at 7:30pm. Tickets are currently on sale on our website at the link below.

Posted Sunday 17th December 2023

Very well done to everyone racing at Lagan Head of the River Festive Head yesterday, none more so than all of those athletes that got their first chance to represent CGS! Congratulations!
We hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and we see you on the 27th December for our COBRA Day races.

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