
Mini-reunion of the class of '74/'81
Last weekend saw an impromptu and unofficial reunion of three members of the squad of '74/'81
Alan Wilson and Alan Anderson were both coxes, while Stephen Peden (who was technically a year below) rowed and sculled with the squad.
Alan W made contact following the recent boat namings (of the "Steen Anderson" and "Sidney Grey"). Last weekend he was visiting from England and Alan A (COBRA Treasurer and volunteer coach) agreed to show him round the new boathouse, with Stephen. A quick trip up the river brought back memories from 40+ years ago. Then a visit to the school museum and its photographs and memorabilia brought back some more memories.
Although both Alans started as coxes, Alan W was the lighter and better (being awarded a green vest for representing Ireland in the 1978 Home Internationals). Alan A switched to rowing in his final years and competed in the double scull with Stephen.
Having missed a 40th reunion opportunity due to Covid, a 45th full crew reunion was mooted for '26......
Anyone wishing to visit, or trace old friends, is welcome - contact us on

COBRA members take on the tideway!
Women’s Eights Head of the River Race took place last Saturday with 162 boats racing.
Conditions proved to be challenging with a strong headwind and fast flow along the 7km course, nothing new to rowers with years of experience on the Bann however!
Rachel Bradley, 5 seat in the Newcastle University ‘A’ VIII+, placed 10th overall and 2nd in the University category.
Kirsty Dalzell, 7 seat in the University of Nottingham’B’ VIII+, placed 92nd overall and 24th in the University category.
Bring on regatta season 💪

On this International Women’s Day, we’re proud to honour the incredible achievements of our female alumni oarswomen! Their dedication, strength, and passion for the sport have been a driving force in shaping the legacy of both the school rowing club and COBRA.
From breaking barriers to setting records, these remarkable women have navigated waters with grace, resilience, and sheer determination. They've shown us that the power of unity and unwavering commitment knows no bounds.
To every female alumna who has left an indelible mark on our club, thank you for inspiring generations of athletes. Your spirit continues to propel us forward both on and off the water.
Here’s to celebrating the achievements, empowerment, and limitless potential of all women today and every day!

We are delighted to announce that we came second in the TESCO Stronger Starts Community Grants Scheme.
As a result we have been awarded £1000 to add to our project to purchase new oars for Coleraine GS Rowing Club.
Thank you so much to everyone who placed a blue token in our box over the previous few months!

Last weekend saw 9 of our Cobra members compete for their respective universities at BUCs Head of the River on the Tyne in Newcastle. Plenty of medals were earned, promising an exciting racing season ahead. Full results report below:
Queen’s University Belfast:
Hugh Moore:
🥈Op ch 4x-
🥈Op inter VIII+
Fergus Bryce:
🥈Op ch 4x-
🥈Op inter VIII+
John Harte:
🥈Op inter VIII+
19th W inter VIII+
🥈W beginner VIII+
4th W beginner IV+
Matthew Boyce:
🥈Op inter VIII+
5th Op inter 4x-
Molly Curry:
🥈W inter 4x-
Newcastle University:
Rachel Bradley:
🥈 W ch VIII+
🥈 W ch 4x-
The University of Nottingham:
Kirsty Dalzell:
🥉 W lwt 4-
4th W lwt 4x-
De Montfort University, Leicester:
Jack Edgar:
13th Op inter 4x-
Bangor University, Wales:
Angus Bryce:
31st Op inter IV+